Praying for every name...

We Have A Shared Mission

Awaken Forsyth is a movement of prayer by the Church of Forsyth County for the people of Forsyth County.

Over the course of the month of October 2024, participating individuals and congregations in our community will collectively pray for the over 150,000 households in Forsyth county. In order to do this it will take all of us working together. 

Will you join us?

How Will This Work?

When you signup, a member of our team will send you a list of names that you and/or your church are responsible for praying for during the month of October, along with other resources that may be helpful as you lead others in this initiative. You have complete freedom to determine how you or your church chooses to pray for them, we just ask that you ensure that your list is completely prayed for by the end of October. The deadline for sign up is September 25.

Some examples of how you might pray for your list of names:
1). In a series of church-wide prayer gatherings or services during the month.
2). By breaking up your list into smaller lists to be prayed over by Sunday School classes or small groups.
3). Individually, by praying for a list of names provided to you by our team.

We know you are busy, and we want to make this as easy as possible for you to jump in. So if you are unsure of how to roll this out, members of our team will be happy to help you think through a strategy that works for your church or context.

What Would Happen If WE Simply Prayed?

One thing scripture makes very clear is that the ‘Prayer of a Righteous Person has great power as it is working’ (James 5:16). Do you believe this?

As of 2023, there are an estimated 392,000 residents of Forsyth County, NC, comprising roughly 150,000 households. As Christians, God has invited us to the mission of reaching every man, woman and child in our county with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is a HUGE task, and one that each of us as individuals or even the roughly 500 churches of Forsyth County cannot do alone.

We must partner together as the Church of Forsyth County to see the message and hope of the Gospel saturated in our community.

Consider this...what if you were the only person to ever pray for the names on your list? How could the lives of our neighbors look different simply because you prayed for them? How might participating in this effort change your heart or the hearts of those in your church for the urgency of the Gospel in our county? What message does this send to the residents of our county that the Church is praying for them?

Will you join us?

Facts about Forsyth County